Support Services
Captain Stephanie Duhon Victim's Services Grants |
Captain Stephanie Duhon is a Hanson Memorial High School alum who began her career in law enforcement in 1996 following graduation. Duhon’s first assignments included dispatching, switchboard operator, and records clerk. She attained her Associate of Science degree in Criminal Justice from Nicholls State University in 2003. Two years later, Duhon accepted a position with US Customs where she served as a Customs and Border Protection Officer until returning to work for the St. Mary Parish Sheriff’s Office in 2007. Duhon then became a Detective in the Juvenile Division and was later promoted to Detective Lieutenant. In 2015, she received the promotion to Captain and now serves as Victim Services Coordinator for the St. Mary Parish Sheriff’s Office.
The Warrants Division is assigned to clear warrants by bringing subjects named in the warrants into compliance with the court. This is often done by arrest. A warrant is not cleared until an individual has been served with the warrant and given a bond hearing or fines are paid. If you have an active warrant you may contact the Warrants Division at 337-907-0407 or 337-907-0408 to make arrangements to turn yourself in. The most common warrants served by the division are warrants obtained by law enforcement as the result of criminal investigations and contempt of court warrants for failure to appear in court. If you have any information on any person who is currently wanted on a warrant, please contact the St. Mary Parish Sheriff’s Office Warrants Division at 337-907-0407 or 337-907-0408. If you know the location of a subject who is wanted on a criminal charge, do not attempt to apprehend the person yourself. Call the Sheriff's Office or your local law enforcement agency and report the person's identity and location. Do not jeopardize your safety or the safety of others by attempting to apprehend the subject.
In the aftermath of a crime, victim services can substantially impact a person's recovery both physically and mentally. The St. Mary Parish Sheriff's Office brochure serves as a guide for victims providing information about our program as well as information on other service agencies.
Below is the link to the Louisiana Automated Victim Notification System.
The St. Mary Parish Sheriff’s Office Special Response Team is equipped and trained to act under high-risk or special conditions. The SRT is comprised of members from various divisions of the St. Mary Parish Sheriff’s Office who undergo highly specialized training to meet law enforcement needs in extraordinary circumstances and extreme situations. This unit is deployed proactively to prevent crisis situations from developing as well as in response to a crisis. The St. Mary Parish Sheriff’s Office SRT operates throughout the parish and works with municipal law enforcement agencies that may at times be in need of these specialized services.
Located in south Louisiana and situated in the Atchafalaya River Basin, nearly half of St. Mary Parish is covered in water. The Dive Team is a skilled response unit assigned to incidents of water recovery and rescue. Dive-related equipment was purchased with funding through the Port Security Grant Program. All members of the dive team are SCUBA certified.
The St. Mary Parish Sheriff’s Office Motor Pool maintains a fleet of approximately 200 vehicles that are assigned to various divisions within the agency. With an on-staff mechanic, vehicles and related equipment are kept in good mechanical condition and ready for service at all times.